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Essay on the progressive era

Essay on the progressive era

essay on the progressive era

WebProgressive Era reformers such as Theodore Roosevelt, Jane Addams, and W.E.B Dubois were largely successful in prompting national reform in issues regarding direct Web14/05/ · During the Era of Progressivism, which lasted approximately from s tos, some reforms were made to deal with the socio-economic crisis which the Web19/03/ · The Progressive Era was the period of time from approximately to in which America revived a sense of protest and reform. Its "essential characteristic was

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During the Era of Progressivism, which lasted approximately from s tos, some reforms were made to deal with the socio-economic crisis which the United States faced at that time. Among the most prominent political figures of that period are the two presidents, Theodore Roosevelt of the Republicans and Woodrow Wilson of the Democrats. In our paper, we will consider the situation that America was in and elaborate why those reforms were needed. After essay on the progressive era, we will compare the policies of the named two presidents. The United States of America faced numerous problems related to poverty, social injustice, and corruption in the government.

The degree of social injustice was despicable; workers had to labor in terrible conditions, enclosed in small, dark factories. The inequity and the deep class conflict were a result of monopolization, total domination of major businesses in the political life of the country, and their interpenetration with the government corruption Foner The political representatives of the Era of Progressivism were forced, therefore, to deal with the economic issues of monopolization and corruption in order to alleviate the social tension and address the newly emerged political ideas. in Foner Fortunately, essay on the progressive era, he was able to address the adverse situation of social inequity.

He attempted to implement progressive reforms via strengthening the influence of the government. His fighting with monopolies brought many victorious moments to the antitrust movement Foner Noteworthy, President Roosevelt was perhaps the first president not to side automatically with employers in labor conflicts Foner During his presidency, a number of progressive laws that e. Woodrow Wilson of the Democrats, the president inon the other hand, did not like the idea of a powerful government, and attempted to strengthen the democracy by promoting free market economy and stimulating small companies, at the same time eliminating the influence of big businesses on the government Foner To compare the two presidents, some of the events that took place during their presidency could be discussed.

This major railroad company established by J. Morgan controlled three large western railroads, monopolizing the means of transport between the Pacific Ocean and the Great Lakes. Roosevelt prosecuted the Northern Securities under the Sherman Antitrust Act, and, as a result, the company was dissolved in by the Supreme Court Foner Furthermore, in the Hepburn Act was adopted by the Congress. Further, the Keating-Owen Act prohibited child labor in some areas of economy the Supreme Court later decided the law was contradictory to the Constitution ; the Adamson Act introduced the workday of 8 hours for railroad workers; the Warehouse Act gave some privileges to farmers who kept their crops in warehouses licensed by the federal essay on the progressive era Foner It is also noteworthy that Wilson, despite having initially been against the initiative, referendum, and recall, the three powers given to the voters that allow them to make petitions, influence the adoption of some laws, or remove elected officials from their position, essay on the progressive era, later changed his position.

During the presidential campaign, he favored these powers and stated that they should be given to the population. As it can be seen, both presidents had to deal with the adverse socio-economic situation, essay on the progressive era, political corruption, and acute class conflict. However, their methods were different; Roosevelt made stress on the governmental intervention into business, focusing on anti-trust initiatives and controlling business activities, whereas Wilson did not believe in the strong government, also attempting to make the influence of big essay on the progressive era on the government impossible, to stimulate small companies, to give more freedoms to people and to provide them with some rights to fend for themselves.

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Progressive Era Essay Introduction

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essay on the progressive era

WebBasically, the roots of Progressivism had been in the transitional era of United States from a nation comprising farmers to a nation of consumers and employees manipulated by large Web15/07/ · Prohibition came about in the Progressive Era which prevented the manufacture and sale of alcohol. Both progressives and revivalists believed that alcohol WebThe progressive era was a time period in America after reconstruction that took place from to The progressive era focused mainly on social and political reform, trying to

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