Sunday, December 4, 2022

I admire my dad essay

I admire my dad essay

i admire my dad essay

I currently live with my parents who adopted me at the age of ten and fostered me since the age of two. My dad, a father of seven raised me as though I was one of his own and never My dad has always been my hero because of his amazing ability to control his emotions. I’ve never seen my dad fly off the handle when frustrated by an ignorant individual or panic in a time of danger or emergency, he lives his life calm, cool and collected, he’s the rock that holds my family down in the fierce winds of emotional hurricanes Words3 Pages by: Thomas Mulkey This is my essay about why, I admire my Dad. The reason I picked my Dad instead of someone else is because she is a relative of mine. Instead of picking a famous person I would rather pick someone more close too me. Also I don't know that many famous people and I don't admire most famous people

The Person I Admire the Most is My Father Essay Example |

The person who I admire the most is my father. I admire him because he is strong, a hard worker, and is caring. My father is the person I admire most. He i admire my dad essay always been someone I have looked up to. When I was young I looked up to my dad because he would spend time with me and we would have fun together. I also looked up to him because I thought he was smart, because he would always help me with my maths homework without a calculator. As a result of this I learnt how to use mental maths. However, as I i admire my dad essay grown older, I realize that there are many other reasons I admire my father. For example, my father is the owner for his company. His job requires him to work long hours, and to always be on the top of his game.

Yet every basketball game, boxing match, and concert my sister goes to, my dad is always present. I admire how much my dad cares for his family. I also admire how helpful my dad is, i admire my dad essay. He is the one person I feel comfortable asking anything to, i admire my dad essay. I trust his advice, i admire my dad essay, and even after long days at work my dad will always listen to me. Overall, my dad is a great person, who I highly admire. The top reason I admire my dad is he is determined and dedicated. These two qualities are ones that I hope I can carry on throughout my life. Watching my dad strive to reach business goals, or work extra hours just to make one more deal have inspired me to set high goals for myself and work extremely hard to reach them.

I admire him because he is also hard working. He was always determined to work as hard or as much as possible to make sure his family had what it needed or wanted. He never complained that he was tired, i admire my dad essay, underpaid or overworked. As long as his family was OK, he was OK. I realized this when I started paying for my games and shoes. Because of his caringness and consideration for others, he would do anything to help where he could. All the good he did was done low-key, without calling attention to himself, i admire my dad essay. I remember when my grandfather was staying with us for over a year when he was diagnosed with cancer allowing my mother to take care of her father like his own father. I noticed all these qualities gradually. No matter how tired he was from his long work week, he would be up bright and early Saturday morning to attend any of our sporting events, tournaments, and then chauffeur us and our friends to parties or school dances.

He was always very protective and kept a watchful eye over us. I admire a lot of people but the person I admire the most is my father. This is because my father is the one who knows what is best for me. He is the most important person in my life. There is no reason for me to live i admire my dad essay him by my side. He is the one who helps me grow up, gives me advice, takes care of me, shows me the right way, always support me greatly, and does many things just for me. In my life, I never see a best person who can be similiar to my father. My father is incomparable. He will never make any grunts and groans but always being patient with our bad manners. I i admire my dad essay so much sacrifices he had spent on us, but he will never ask for return except for an education.

In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to succeed. Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question, I know I can always call my father for advice. The lesson, though, is to look for the value in everything. Realize that we need to be good stewards of what we have. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others needs ahead of your own, but not to the point they will begin to take advantage on you. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on.

I hold great esteem for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admire his open mind, compassion, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but has a great sense of humor, and always know how to put a smile on my face. This is why I admire my Father. I'm Katrin. Would you like to get such a paper? How about receiving a customized one? The person who I admire the most is my father heartsindangerok heartsindangerok 0 Comment. order now. Previous Previous post: ver 3 million students.

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Why I admire my dad

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Free Essays About Why I Admire My Father | WOW Essays

i admire my dad essay

Words3 Pages by: Thomas Mulkey This is my essay about why, I admire my Dad. The reason I picked my Dad instead of someone else is because she is a relative of mine. Instead of picking a famous person I would rather pick someone more close too me. Also I don't know that many famous people and I don't admire most famous people I currently live with my parents who adopted me at the age of ten and fostered me since the age of two. My dad, a father of seven raised me as though I was one of his own and never Yet every basketball game, boxing match, and concert my sister goes to, my dad is always present. I admire how much my dad cares for his family. I also admire how helpful my dad is.

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